(Exploring Lafayette Cemetery No. 1 in New Orleans)

(Exploring Lafayette Cemetery No. 1 in New Orleans)

About Me

First, foremost and always, I am a Storyteller. Be it via film, music, or new media content, if I can offer just one person an escape, a co-conspirator, a sympathizer, a listening ear, or a friendly voice—anything to show them that they’re never truly alone— my heart will be full.

If you’re looking for me, make sure you check my favorite place in Atlanta: Historic Oakland Cemetery. You may find me humming along to a “Spooky Autumn Mood” playlist (all year ‘round) while wandering between the headstones and abundant flora, piecing together the stories of those who came before me in the city I’m so happy to call home.

From evenings spent gathered watching my peers perform to midnight auditions taped in my laundry room, everything about this career is an adventure. On set or off, I’m in love with Atlanta’s one-of-a-kind film community— one in which artists motivate and inspire each other daily.

Call me a Meisner-trained actor, tornadoesque force of chaotic good, writer of occasionally-petty-but-always-honest lyrics, expressive vocalist, advocate for animals, fan of all things spooky, casual yogi, semi-unhinged-content creator, demystifier of stigma around ADHD… or any combination of these things. You’d be right— but don’t take my word for it. Let’s get to know one another.

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or just get in touch.